Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

the story of a giRL with basketball

Started when she were at Junior High school, she took extracurricular basketball. Actually she didn’t understand yet ( even until now ), why she took basketball. In the first grade, she only felt that she played basketball was only to fulfill the extracurricular point. But, it was getting interesting for her at 2nd grade. She more interested with basketball. Not only interested, she decided to buy a ball of basketball. She asked her parents to buy her a ball. To fulfill it, her parents bought it for her. You know what, she asked her parents to buy her a ball when the rain was come. She cried and got angry because she didn’t have a ball.Because their parents really love with their daughter, they bought for her, although it was raining. Both of her mother and father bought it, by using a motorcycle, in the pouring rain. After getting what she wanted, she felt happy.
She became interested, interested, and more interested. In senior High School, she also took basketball as an extracurricular activity. She always used her ball to practiced and practiced. For 3 years at Senior High School, she always actively followed the extracurricular. She was also follow the competition, of course with her team. She wasn’t a first player, but her coach never let the student missed the competition. All student, first player or second player had to follow the competition.
Last year, she got her ball was broken. She didn’t know why the ball could be break. But one thing that she knew, she couldn’t use it again. But until now, whether she can’t use that ball,she still likes playing basketball and still love basketball.
That’s the story of a girl with her ball. That was me. It’s me. I used to be like that.It was my mistake, asked my parents to buy me a ball in the pouring rain. But in the reality i never let that ball, i always use it, and i never make my parents up set by not using that ball. Now, i rarely play basketball, but i still love basketball.
Tuesday, July 27th, 2010. At 00.45 a.m.

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

The story of 2009...,

tahun lalu..., masih teringat jelas peristiwa demi peristiwa.., duka, suka, sangat berbekas dan mungkin susah dilupa.. pengalaman-pengalaman dan peristiwa-peristiwa yang sudah berlalau menjadikan sebuah kenangan yang belum pernah ku rasa sebelumnya.., bukan hanya membuat seatu pengalaman baru, tapi itu juga sebagai suatu proses pendewasaan. Dan Ya.., pendewasaan itu butuh proses. Pendewasaan bukan lah hal yang tiba-tiba saja terjadi tanpa melalui proses dan suatu kejadian.. dari proses pendewasaan itulah kita bisa berubah, merubah sifat dan watak kita. Siapa bilang watak atau tabiat itu tidak bisa dirubah.., Bisa.., tapi semua itupun butuh proses juga.., melalui sebuah proses panjang dengan ritme yang tak tentu. Sama halnya dengan proses pendewasaan yang berlangsung lama dan bertahap.. Tapi ketika manusia itu sudah berada dalam sebuah pendewasaan diri, terkadang manusia masih mempunyai sifat yang kekanak-kanakan.. namun itu wajar.. semua orang pasti pernah mengalaminya., bahkan orang yang sudah berusia matang sekalipun., hufff..., yah.. begitulah hidup.. penuh misteri.., kita tidak akan pernah tahu kapan kita akan berubah dan mengalami sebuah perubahan.., kita tidak akan pernah tahu apa yang akan terjadi dengan diri kita..,

Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

this guy... ( something spinning on my mind since yesterday )

he was walking down the room, looked like tried to find something or someone..and finally he saw me. i was waving my hand, then he came. When he walked, there was something spinning in my mind. I think about this " God.., this guy is nice, but there's something inside of him that make me 'ill feel' a.k.a. ilang feeling and maybe some of the girls will think the same thing". how couldn't say that, he still act like a man that have just graduated from high scholl.. Helloww.., you are more than 20 and our age is almost same.., how can you act like a young boy..., you're a growing up man, and you have to know..!!! Man, you supposed to be live and life as a real man. Actually he's not so bad, nice, and i still can't get the reason why he hasn't a girl yet.. he's my friend, i fell nothing with him even try to flirt on him.. no no's a big NO. Just my little curiosity.

Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

funny song..., musik nya oke juga....

Let the sun shine in ( fRENTE ) Mommy told me something A little kid should know It's all about the devil And I learned to hate him so She said he causes trouble when you let him in your room He'll never ever leave you if your heart is filled with gloom Chorus: So let the sun shine in Face it with a grin Smilers never lose And Frowners never win So let the sun shine in Face it with a grin Open up your heart and let the sun shine in When you are unhappy The devil wears a grin But oh he starts to run in When the light comes prowling in I know he'll be unhappy Cause I'll never wear a frown Maybe if we keep on smiling He'll get tired of hanging 'round If I forget to say my prayers The devil jumps with glee But he feels so awful awful When he sees me on my knees So if you feel of trouble And you never seem to move Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in (Chorus) Suuuuun Shiiiiiine iiiiiin Suuuuun Shiiiiiine iiiiiin Mommy told me someting A little kid should know It's all about the devil And i learned to hate him so If I forget to say my prayers The devil jumps with glee But he feels so awful awful When he sees me on my knees So if you feel of trouble And you never seem to move Just open up your heart and let the sun shine in